The Restoration Movement, Acapella & the Trinity

I am glad to be a part of the Restoration Movement – and in particular – the Church of Christ. But though there is much to praise about its history, like all movements, we have our ‘not so impressive’ moments and ways of thinking as well. The most frustrating of which is the oft inabilityContinue reading “The Restoration Movement, Acapella & the Trinity”

Embrace: A word for the year

Americans. We are hard to generalize in one statement, because we are diverse. However, generally overseas, we are known to be loud, and vocal with our opinions. We are very expressive with our emotions, and we really like to give hugs. Before moving overseas, I didn’t realize how uncomfortable this can make other cultures feel, particularContinue reading “Embrace: A word for the year”

Finding space to create in a garlic clove

Malawian garlic is small. Very small. When a recipe calls for one clove of garlic, I use four. Chop off the small end, and carefully peel back shell to reveal tender, pungent flesh. Until two months ago, I was helpless in the kitchen. Kitchen wisdom from my resourceful mother, and tips from my creative-in-the-kitchen sister-in-law,Continue reading “Finding space to create in a garlic clove”

Dinner table conversations: The heritage of our food

How has a month passed without a new post? This month, I can tell you exactly how. 7,000 driven miles, at least 8 audio-books completed, (Our favorite activity during long drives), surprise visits and long-awaited reunions, farewells and see-you-laters, meeting new friends (and new family members!), and lots and lots of food. Most recently, weContinue reading “Dinner table conversations: The heritage of our food”